Code of Ethics "Komplekt Armatura" LLP
1. Appeal of the Head of the Company to the employees.
Dear colleagues! The main task of our team is professional, honest and conscientious work! We highly value our reputation and reputation of our customers, take care of the environment and people to whom we are socially responsible. That is why it is important for us to remember the ethical side of our activity. Realizing our values, we created the code of ethics of our company.
2. Ethical principles and values ??of our Company.
The activity of our company is based on the following principles:
2.1. Respect for the rights and interests of our employees, the requirements of customers and the terms of cooperation put forward by our business partners and society.
2.2. Honesty in relationships and in providing any information necessary for our work.
2.3. Courage to oppose what is unacceptable, and take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions.
2.4. Care, manifested in protecting people from any harm or threat to their life and health and environmental protection.
2.5. Trust in employees, which allow us to delegate authority and responsibility for decisions and ways to implement it.
3. Relationship to the law.
We must comply with the requirements of the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and follow professional world standards. In this way, we help to build confidence in us from clients and other interested groups.
4. Relationship between employees in the company.
4.1. What should be the employee of the company.Personal behavior: we must know, understand and follow the values ??and principles defined by this code. Employees should raise and express questions arising in the course of work regarding the ethical aspect of their interaction. It is necessary to show personal organization: do not be late for work and leave it only after the end of working hours. When leaving work, you need to inform your supervisor.
Professional behavior: we must fulfill our professional commitments in accordance with technical and professional norms and standards, guided by our knowledge and experience. And also it is necessary to report faithfully in the performance of our duties. It is unacceptable to disclose confidential information about the company's activities, the use of unworthy methods in the work, such as industrial espionage. Within the framework of professional communication, we must comply with the standards of service etiquette, regardless of how communication occurs - directly, by phone or in writing.
4.2. Fairness to colleagues.
We must show respect and attention to colleagues, regardless of their official position.
We should avoid such phenomena as patronage in dealing with all personnel issues, such as promotion, development and change of the pay system, other incentive programs.
We must have clearly defined duties and responsibilities.
4.3. Respect for colleagues.
We must respect the religious, political and cultural freedom of our colleagues.
We must listen to the opinions of our colleagues, pay attention to it, do not resort to any forms of pressure or actions that can offend our colleague.
Interaction with colleagues should be based on objectivity and courtesy in communication.
4.4. Cooperation with colleagues.
We must have partnerships with colleagues, to exchange the necessary information and knowledge, which is extremely important for achieving a common result.
We must listen to the requests of colleagues. At our workplaces we must encourage each other to work fruitfully, to help, to complement each other.
In general, we must influence positively the working atmosphere in the team.
4.5. Trust in relations with colleagues.
We must make reliability our work style, always fulfill our promises, to admit mistakes made during the work.
4.6. Relationship between the leader and the subordinate.
Managers should treat their subordinates with respect, clearly define the scope of their duties and responsibilities. The business relations of employees with their management are based on the same principles that were prescribed earlier. Both managers and subordinates must strictly follow these principles. If problems arise in communication with the immediate supervisor, which can not be resolved, both the manager and the subordinate must openly agree on a meeting with a senior management.
The manager must monitor the work of each subordinate, allocate and encourage anyone who deserves it.
If the manager is dissatisfied with the work of his subordinate, he should express dissatisfaction directly with this employee, in order to eliminate the problem as soon as possible. It is unallowable to discuss such a problem with other employees of the Company.
5. Business relationships with other companies.
We always fulfill our obligations and expect fulfillment of obligations from our partners. We are interested in the sustainable development of our business and the business of our partners. We are looking for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation. We focus on the needs of customers and guarantee the high quality of our products and services. We do not accept illegal payments in any form and do not use unethical or unfair means of influencing our partners or competitors.
6. Health, safety and environmental protection.
6.1. We value human life and health above any economic results and production achievements.
6.2. We value human life and health above any economic results and production achievements.
6.3.The Company strives to comply with all officially accepted environmental norms and requirements and is fully aware of the need to develop production that is safe for the environment, and strives for:
- effective use of natural resources;
- development and application of resource-saving and non-waste technologies;
- introduction of modern systems of environmental management and ISO standards.
7. Gifts and services.
7.1. Gifts, services and entertainment can be provided at the expense of our company or taken from a competitor or an individual or firm cooperating with our company or seeking cooperation, provided that it meet all of the following criteria.
- it comply with accepted business practices and do not violate applicable laws or ethical standards;
-it do not have too high a cost (the cost does not exceed $ 100);
- it can not be interpreted as a bribe;
- Public disclosure of the facts of the gift will not put our company or employee in an embarrassing situation.
7.2. Payments or gifts in the form of cash (or equivalent to cash, for example, shares or goods) to a competitor, individual or legal person, or from such persons cooperating with our company or seeking cooperation, are never allowed and can not be required, offered, to be carried out or accepted by employees of our company.
8. Control of compliance with the rules, rules and procedures provided for in this Code.
8.1. Execution of the rules, recommendations, requirements and provisions of this code is mandatory for each employee.8.2. Control over the compliance of employees with the rules and procedures provided for in this code are assigned to the heads of the company's divisions.
8.3. The monitoring includes:
- tracking, based on available information, of transactions and other transactions that cause a conflict of interest;
- performance of official checks on the facts of violations by employees of the provisions of this code;
- confidentiality of information received;
- other actions aimed at ensuring control over compliance with the provisions of this code.